Coronavirus COVID-19 : Business as Usual – Safety Measures in Place
Sunday Mar 26, 2020
Dear all,
There is no doubt we have waded into unprecedented waters and the outlook is not good. We wish everyone to be safe and sound, and our thoughts go to those most affected amidst the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak. May we all have positive strength during these difficult times. May it end soon for the good of us all.
We are committed to the safety of our clients and stakeholders, whilst ensuring continuity of sex doll business.
Our Sex Dolls are being shipped normally, with shipments upgraded to UPS or Fedex Priority Express Shipping, offering an average delivery time of 9 business days (which takes into account the delay caused by the outbreak).
Stringent precautionary and sanitary measures are being taken alongside our supply chains to guarantee maximum safety. Please read hereunder for the details.
Please follow this thread for the latest updates.
Stay safe and stay home and and let us pray together so that the Coronavirus COVID-19 ends soon!
Warm regards,
Mig and Sili Doll ®
SkinTech™ Korean TPE
The Real Best
Update Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 11:58 pm
Good news:
There is no impact on the shipment of sex dolls, which is not impacted by the lock downs, entry bans and other containment measures observed in several countries.
Bad news:
Commercial air freight is severely disrupted. The number of freights has decreased significantly. Fedex, UPS and DHL shipping costs have begun increasing significantly, over 40% in some instances, with a potential risk some services may be disrupted in the coming weeks.
Unfortunately, we may have to increase the prices of our sex dolls if this trend continues. Please make sure to refresh your browser before placing your order to ensure the latest price is displayed: https://asexdoll.com/product-category/asian-sex-doll/
The sooner the order, the more reliable the shipment and the lower the price.
We are closely monitoring the situation and will update this post duly with any relevant information.
The following (from our latest exchanges and experience with Fedex and UPS) may be helpful:
1) Whilst the Coronavirus outbreak is causing disruptions and potential delays, the parcel would eventually reach its destination (no need to worry about the parcel being lost in transition): as long as the tracking indicates the parcel has been collected, it should be delivered, only with a possible delay. We have received this confirmation from our UPS/ Fedex agent. Anyways, our insurance against loss also covers losses in the case of the outbreak;
2) Now, about the delay that may be expected: the more expensive the service, the lesser the delay. We have been overpaying Fedex and UPS to limit the delays and have our love dolls loaded on plane on priority basis. Most affordable Fedex or UPS lines currently face very long queues, with parcels risking to be rejected;
3) In some cases, the tracking number may be changed (due to internal Fedex/ UPS reallocation);
4) If the parcel status has been pending for a while, it is important to check with your seller for the latest as he should receive all exceptional updates from UPS and Fedex on an prompt basis (change in tracking or delay updates for example), as such information are sometimes not updated online or updated with a delay.
Update Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:43 am
Please see answers to the following questions you may have:
1) When will I receive my order?
The Chinese New Year and the Coronavirus came together and extended the non-working holiday period to about 3 weeks (hereunder referred as “Break Period”).
We successfully shipped out all orders accumulated during the Break Period during the first week of February, thanks to the fact we had stocked up our most ordered dolls before the outbreak.
Nonetheless, the numerous orders accumulated during the Break Period from us (but also from other factories) is causing a shipment waiting line at the end of our shipping partner, causing a delay to the average delivery time of about 2-3 weeks.
If a tracking number has been shared with you, it means that your parcel will be delivered, only with the exceptional delay explained, for which we are sorry.
2) Can I still order now?
Yes, you can still order now. But, new orders will ship out in early March. The best sellers hereunder are in stock and will be shipped out straight in coming early March on an orderly basis (order receipt time).
In compensation for this exceptional waiting period, we will be happy to include for free our newest ultra realistic Sili™ Pussy with any doll ordered from the list hereunder. Simply mention free Sili™ Pussy in the notes section at checkout.
3) What mitigants are in place against the Coronavirus risk?
First, we are still shipping from our stock accumulated before the Coronavirus outbreak. Also, our Chinese production facilities and warehouses are located in the southern part of China, afar from the epicenter.
Second, our factory and our shipping agent obtained green light from the authorities to resume production and shipping. Such green light comes with stringent safety requirements being met. The most important one being that all staff coming to work after the break have obtained authoritative medical green light (passed stringent medical checkups). Besides, all production and working equipment are being disinfected on a daily or regular basis, ensuring a clean environment is maintained.
Last but not least, one key mitigant is that the molding of our dolls and the skin processing take place at very high temperatures, well above 100 degrees Celsius/ 212 Fahrenheit. Reading from World Health Organization and scientific research, temperatures that high would kill the Coronavirus effectively. Besides, after production, our dolls are put in a plastic bag, sealed and stored in a clean environment (disinfected). In view of the 100 degrees Celsius/ 212 Fahrenheit mitigating factor, from all the products being imported from China, dolls should come at the end of the worry list.