My teen sexdoll has arrived – new realistic TPE sexdoll with articulated skeleton reviewed
Many thanks to this new sexdoll Suki owner, for sharing his purchase experience (and sexdoll review) with Sili Doll on our public forum
Check out his detailed sexdoll review and cool pictures of his Suki!
My first sex doll has arrived!
So here’s my experience (and sexdoll review) with my first sexdoll of 110 cm Suki.
I reasearched, reasearched, reasearched and finally picked thee ultra realistic small sexdoll Suki from Sili Dolls.
My final decision came based on the shipping time and price. It seemed like a lot of the 100cm dolls were the same sex doll with a different name on all the different vendor websites. Price range I saw some cheaper ones on eBay, amazon and other similar sites but I didn’t want to risk that much money to save a couple bucks.
Service Communication: It was almost immediate. You get an account on their site that lets you know the status of the sex doll. Plus, Mig immediately replied back to me about the question I had on my order form. The fact that a real person was emailing me back and forth, truly rested all my fears it was not an eBay/Amazon scam.
My pictures of my sexdoll Suki
Opinion on my sexdoll Delivery:
Exactly as stated, 7-9 days. I received mine in 7. I was overly excited I kept checking my Sili website account. I picked it up from the local DHL office. To have them hold it for you; first wait for the Shipping ID from Sili Dolls. Then go to this URL, enter your Shipping ID (Waybill number) and the CAPTCH security code, once that is verified you can set up your delivery options.
Opinion on Suki:
Sexdoll Suki, I f’ing love this Suki! I did bather her first and like all my prior sex toys I used a feminine wash to sanitize her and help remove the new ‘from a factory smell’. After I screwed the head on and put on her wig, I immediately was in LUST. Remember this sexy sexdoll is small, so think of a short Asian girl. Also, how she came packaged is the best way to store her. She can handle me well but she does have delicate parts. Don’t store her standing up as I did, I had her ankle twisted and it eventually caused a tear. The hands have no internal bones either of which I could have got with the Sumi or Saiko sex dolls. With that said, I positioned her arm and hand to hold my fruits and her French nails tickled my quite nicely while she absorbed in her mouth. I am 5’10” so she is at that right height!
Her skin is nicer than the fake PipeDream Extreme torso. It is smoother and silkier especially when wet. The French Manicure on the toes and feet were a nice touch. Her little butt is my favorite. Honestly I get excited about just describing her!
I have had so much fun with her, I am going to post some more tips as my experience goes on with my first doll and my new little girlfriend sex doll; Suki.
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