Buy Sex Toys FAQ
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Sex Doll Maintenance and Care
What poses can your sex doll take?
Some of our sex dolls can stand

Our latest sex dolls (Suki 2, Sukiwaai) comes with standing feature and can stand. However, some of our sex dolls cannot stand. For more information, please refer to the relevant sex doll product page or directly ask via our live chat hereunder, just to make sure.
For those of our sex dolls that come with standing feature, the sex doll may stand upright. It is recommended to have your sex doll supported by something (sofa, table, etc.) whilst standing. This is because the sex doll internal metal PVC skeleton skeleton is relatively flexible and a standing position may cause the sex doll to fall. The sex doll should be holding its standing position as far as no external force is exercised against her.
Whilst not in use, please do not leave your sex doll in a standing position. Instead, have the doll back to her original position with the sex doll legs and arms alongside her body inside the original box. Alternatively, the doll may be hung thanks to a neck supporting hook. This is best for storing the doll whilst not in use.
Our sex dolls can take most daily poses

You may pose your sex doll into position taken daily by real humans. But please ensure not to move aggressively the skeleton and over stretch the sex doll arms and legs above angles that can damage the doll. The sex doll is designed to be able to stand her own weight. But in certain circumstances (such as standing position), it is recommended to have the sex doll rest against a physical fixed object to avoid to the doll to fall (please see above). The sex doll may hold the pose it is in as long as external factors do not apply strong strength to the limbs of the sex doll.
What sexual positions can our sex dolls take?
Most usual sex positions (such as missionary and doggy style) can be taken by our sex dolls. For some sex poses such as doggy style, we recommend assisting the sex doll weight distribution by use of pillows in order to avoid damaging the sex doll. Posing your sex doll over a room table or sofa also makes sex doll doggy style position sex safer. Most importantly, please do not leave your sex doll in a sex position that causes pressure on the doll joints, whilst not in use as this may damage the doll.
Be careful with the sex doll hands!

The sex dolls hands can be posed, as quality skeleton wires are use inside the hands. This allows the sex doll to close her hands or even hold light objects (such as a dildo or a can). Do handle the sex doll hands with care as the internal hand skeleton wires are relatively thin and fragile. Please avoid having the sex doll holding too heavy objects, and also avoid posing the sex doll on her hands. Doing so may cause the doll hands to bear excessive pressure and result in the finger skeleton to cut through the sex doll hand flesh and skin.
In order to preserve and protect your sex doll hands, please ensure that the doll hands are out of the way when moving around your sex doll. For example, please have your sex doll hands over her should or on top of her breasts whilst you move your sex doll around the room.
In the accidental case where the finger skeleton came to cut through the doll`s skin, you may easily fix the tear with some TPE glue.