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Sex Doll Customization
Sex Doll Customization – All questions related to customizing your sex doll answered!
Which features of my sex doll can I customize?
The following parts of our sex dolls can be customized.

First, the hair color can be changed as all our sex dolls come with interchangeable wigs. We offer the following custom color options for our sex doll wigs: brown, blonde and black.
Then, we also can customize the sex doll`s skin color. 2 options are available here: either original tan (which is the skin color of our best selling teen sex doll Suki 110 cm), or light white japan skin color (which the more popular skin color which can be found on our original sex doll 135 cm (Suri™ ), sex doll 145 cm (Suriwaai™ ) and Sex Doll 169 cm (Sukiwaai™ ).
Thirdly, similar to the hair color of the sex doll, its eyes color may also be changed as the eyes of our sex dolls can easily be removed from the eyes cavities of the sex doll head and be interchanged with alternative eyes sets featuring different eyes color (available eyes colors are: blue, green and brown).

Fourth, the nails color and style of your sex doll. Whilst we original offer our sex dolls with full painted nails, we also can customize the realistic doll`s nail to french manicure style nails. Color-wise, we offer a wide range of nail color ranging from red, pink to green and blue. We probably have the color you would like to have your sex doll nails in. Simply ask!
Besides, we may also make your sex doll vagina custom. More precisely, we can add pubic hair to your sex doll vagina. Of note, the added pubic hair is stitched to the sex doll skin and hence hardly removable. Hence, please be sure that you want your sex doll to come with pubic hair before asking for that because this decision cannot be reverted!
It is important to note that all the heads and bodies of our sex dolls that are taller than 135 cm can be interchanged. Therefore, you may for example order a Suri™ with a Sukiwaai™ head.
We offer a huge selection of sexy lingerie for sex dolls. You may of course customize your sex doll and dress her with the outfits that you think is most appropriate to your sex doll.
Last but not least, we also can customize the areola size and color of your sex doll, in color and in width size of the sex doll`s areola. Whilst all our ultra realistic sex dolls areola come in skin color, we may also have these painted in light brown. And for the size, we may make the sex doll areola larger to about 2 inches.
Customization possibilities for sex dolls from our Signature Series?

Our signature series sex dolls, ultra premium and realistic thanks to (partial) assembly in the USA (California) offer more customization possibilities. In addition to the customization possibilities offered for our original sex dolls, our sex dolls from our signature series may have the following additional features made custom to satisfy your needs.
First, the sex doll face and makeup may be customized with freckles, using our propitiatory skin make up to give the sex doll freckles an ultra realistic effect.
Then, for our signature series sex dolls collection, more advanced hair, makeup and overall cosmetic style are offered and can be chosen from. In short, you may ask our sex doll artist to make you sex doll same as any of our sex doll mannequin posted in our signature series (click here to discover our signature series).
How do I mention my sex doll customization preferences?

Depending on the complexity of the custom request related to your sex doll, we recommend using the following communication methods to let us know your sex doll customization preferences related to your sex doll.
For small and easy sex doll customization request, you may simply indicate the custom request in the sex doll order form (notes section). Small request are for instance, the nail color, the hair color, etc.
For more complex custom sex doll customization requirements, please chat with us online or send us an email ([email protected]) detailing your sex doll customization preferences and we will ensure we got your preferences all cleared before preparing your order.
Finally for custom requests regards our super luxury sex dolls from our signature series collection, please also email us or chat with us and we will put you in touch with our lead sex doll customization artist based in the USA (nearby Los Angeles) who will be in touch with you to take note of the special customization needs you have for your sex doll.
How much do custom requests on my sex doll cost?

The cost associate with customizing a feature of your sex doll is correlated directly to the level of difficulty of the work. Whilst for simple custom works (works including painting the areola of the sex doll, adding additional colors, etc,), we usually do not charge anything additional, the custom request may incur additional charge if the work is demanding (i.e., adding freckles to the sex doll head or fully customizing the sex doll makeup to align your needs). In any case, please contact us for a quote related to your sex doll customization.
Is there an additional waiting time to receive my sex doll should I decide to customize her?
Much like the previous point, the additional waiting time depends on the level of complexity of the sex doll customization work required to be performed on the sex doll. Now, we always do our very best to work as efficiently as possible so you receive your custom sex doll in record times. To give you an idea, additional waiting time range from 1-4 business days.