My First Sex Doll: Summer NXT 135 cm Ultra Realistic Sex Doll Review and Unboxing
Many thanks to energizer_funny for his purchase and extra detailed review of our newest Summer sex doll model, Summer NXT featuring our newest Japan SkinTech TPE.
To access the original buyer review posted on The Doll Forum: click here
To access our Summer NXT doll page with all details and medias: click here
My First Sex Doll: Introduction

So, after a long and brutal wait (ok looking back it wasn’t that bad except the last day) I got my new Summer NXT sex doll from Sili Doll. This is my first sex doll. The box, which I hoisted into my garage from the UPS truck, was marked as a 70+ pound package, which was consistent with the stated weight of the love doll on Sili Doll’s site of 61.7 lbs + accessories + packaging material. I will get around to weighing her for a future review. No apparent damage to the packaging or the doll.
I carried the box up two flights of stairs to the room for unboxing. I should point out that I’m a comparatively big and fit guy (like, I work at it) and that I wouldn’t expect most folks to pull that off readily, or willingly. I think it was probably easier to carry the full box containing the sex doll up rather than unboxing downstairs, since I would have been a lot more concerned about damaging the doll`s TPE skin bumping into walls and such had I unboxed my realistic doll first.

My First Sex Doll: Unboxing and What is Included
The package included expected accessories, plus a bit. I got two wigs (only expected one), one short blonde and one very long blonde. There were four miscellaneous doll clothing items, including the silver bikini seen on the older Summer sex doll model on Sili Doll’s website, plus some pink shorts, a nightie with thong bottom, and some fishnet stockings. Also a super budget douche and even more super budget USB heater, comb, a small microfiber blanket, and white gloves. The white gloves crack me up, thinking of how I will be handling her and REALLY not being all that neat about it… 😆 . Before she arrived, I purchased some sex dolls clothing items online, which I will post pics of later. I also got a two-output fish tank air pump for orifices (sex doll`s vagina, anus and oral) drying (early results, works well)

My First Sex Doll: First Impressions
It was pretty clear the doll`s breasts were flattened a bit being in the box, so they don’t quite have a lovely consistent curviness as I think was intended. After three days, they are still showing evidence of a bit of flattening. Initial reaction when I took my first sex doll out of the box was that the proportions of everything from the bellybutton area down are pretty reasonable on their own, but much out of proportion to the sex doll`s torso and shoulders. This was somewhat apparent on the website but the difference is striking in person. In particular, the difference stands out because looking at the lower body on it’s own in person, its small; the torso and shoulders are TINY. I commented to my GF (who hasn’t seen her in person yet) that Summer’s breasts look gigantic in context on the sex doll mounted to the tiny torso, but are probably only a little bit larger than my GF’s, which look much more normal on her well-proportioned upper body. These are all just simple observations, still working out how it all makes me feel about my first sex doll. In general, my gut reactions have been very positive.

My First Sex Doll: How does it FEEL?
The doll`s skin, advertised as Sili Doll’s newest “Japan SkinTech TPE” on their website, feels extraordinarily smooth. Since I do not have any other love dolls to compare with, I can’t speak to how it measures up to other products, but it’s pleasant to rub my hands on. It improved further after washing, drying, and powdering (using corn starch so far with a powder makeup brush). The softness and “squeezy-ness” are also pleasant. Again, I only have RG comparisons at this point…the main observation of course is that a RG’s skin has the lovely elements of skin, fat, muscle, bone, and inherent warmth to lend to how it feels in general. Summer NXT doll experience is less dimensional, but still quite pleasant to touch and press and squeeze. I’d say the breasts’ softness compares to boob job breast in a swimsuit – packed, firm, but not wholly natural. Again, quite pleasant. The weight and bounciness are also quite nice. The sex doll butt is nice to grab, kind of feels like an unflexed muscular ass. I look forward to one day being able to compare to other life like realistic dolls…
There is a distinctive smell of the TPE material, but it is not very strong, nor is it really unpleasant. I have noticed it start to dissipate (or I am becoming less sensitive to it?) over the last three days that she’s been out of the box. Reminds me – I’ve learned a lot about TPE made love dolls in the past 10 days. I’m going to do some more homework and add to the knowledge that’s been shared here before in a future post…there’s a lot of mythology going around that probably isn’t adding value here!
We haven’t settled on a name for my first sex doll yet. Stay tuned!