Sex Doll Big Breast Torso Sylvia Amateur Review of Best Value Torso TPE Sex Doll

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Hey guys. So i just bought my first sex doll, and I thought i would share my review of this realistic Sex Doll Big Breast since I have not seen a review for her yet. I just purchased a Sex Doll Big Breast Sylvia love doll. I know she isn’t a full sex doll or a torso, but i loved this sex doll cute face and i wanted to make sure i could take care of her before i spent a bunch of money on a full body realistic sex doll.
First off, I would like to thank Mig and Sili Doll for getting my sex doll shipped out to me so quickly. I ordered her 11/8 and they had her out the door 11/13, including a weekend in the middle. Ofc, UPS scared me a bit. It was supposed to be delivered 11/18 when it first went out, but on the 3rd day they pushed the delivery date back to the 21st. Then it changed again to the 17th. So, in the end i got my beloved sex doll a day earlier then expected.
So…On to my review for anyone else looking for a low cost starter quality sex doll.

She showed up in the usual cardboard box. I opened it up and the sex doll seller had put her in a clear plastic packaging, sort of like you would find with a small silicone doll you would buy for a child. After taking her out and laying her on the bed, my first thought was “I thought it would be bigger” (I can hear you guys snickering back there, No comments from the peanut gallery lol)
Here is a pic of my Sex Doll Big Breast Sylvia fresh out of the box.
She’s only 30x16x9.45 inches, So she is very small.But, how can you resist this face?
She is going to look really good once i get some makeup or her and figure out how to color in her hair.
She has a nice pair of big breasts. Id say about a B cup. Nice little handful. But, the breasts of this sex doll torso are a bit firm. They don’t really jiggle.
She has 3 orifices and can do oral, vaginal and anal sex which is pretty complete for a sex doll of that budget!
You might be able to have a little breast play with the sex doll, but the cleavage is not very deep. I’ll do some tests and see how it goes.

Like i said before, I loved the shape of the face on this Sex Doll Big Breast. And Sili made a good start on some of the makeup. She definitely needs some more though.
She does have a small skeleton, but its not a lot. She wont bend in half on you, but there is still some floppy areas. Mainly the realistic doll legs (which i kinda like), her feet and her head. Either side of the spine area tends to bend in as well. I have a soft bed so her spine settle lower then the sides, so it smashes her breasts together a little.
While I was giving my TPE sex doll the initial cleaning, I noticed a few minor imperfections.
My Sex Doll Big Breast has some glue or melted TPE on her right eye.
A very small dent in her hair. I took a pic, but it didn’t show up. Its barely noticeable.
My realistic also had some minor abrasion on her shoulder and chest.
She also had a black spot on her lower lip. I am assuming its just left over from the MFG process and will fade in time. Its already learned a little after the first cleaning.
But, over all, I am very happy with this real sex doll torso with big breasts. I wish she was a bit bigger, but for only $250 I’m not going to complain.
Well, after spending the night with my real love doll, I’m very happy with her.
There were a few awkward moments. Since she s so small, there isn’t much space between the sex doll stomach and vagina walls. So I pushed out her stomach quite a bit. You could clearly see yourself inside of your small sex doll torso.

Oral and breast play with the sexdoll could be a little awkward. The position of the legs made it hard to straddle her, but I made it work. Breast play is doable, but like i suspected there isn’t a lot of cleavage.
Now, I’m not a anal man in RL. But with Mei, all I can say is “DAMN!” Between the ridges and the position, it was pretty good.
In conclusion, she makes a good starter sex doll. She’s not that big, but neither is the price tag. I’d recommend her to someone just starting out and starting up with TPE and Silicone sex dolls.
Well, there is my review for anyone else interested in one. And sorry for the lousy pics. I used my cell to take them and my room isn’t that bright.